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Plastisol Foil Adhesive

Plastisol Foil Adhesive

Regular price £7.50 GBP
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Plastisol foil adhesive
Use with Textile foil to apply and adhere to fabric and/or paper.

Foil adhesive can be screen printed, brushed, painted or block printed onto fabric, paper, wood or card.
For Fabric: After foil adhesive has been printed, place the foil onto fabric or surface with the shiny side up and iron or heat press underneath silicone paper at 165?C for approximately 15-30 seconds (longer times required when ironing).  Peel off the excess foil when the foil has cooled down.
Recommended Mesh Counts: Print through 32T or 43T mesh counts to allow a sufficient deposit of adhesive onto the fabric/paper.

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